5 March 2015

Behavioural science is a gold mine for service design and customer experience – Interview with Nicolae Naumof on Adrian Swinscoe’s blog

Two weeks ago I gave this interview for Adrian Swinscoe’s blog. In it I explain my view on applying behavioural science in service design.

Naturally, I speak on what is behavioural science, what drives human behaviour and plead for a simple, two steps approach on applying behavioural science in service design: (1) Use the scientific literature on human behaviour to come up with behaviourally informed interventions and (2) test them, because no one knows the (absolutely) correct answer.

Interview can be listened here (30 mins or so): - open in new tab ;)

Interview and full transcript on: Adrian Swinscoe’s blog 

In a gold mine, you will not find gold bars …

More on applying behavioural science in service design www.Naumof.com