A few years ago, in my country of birth –
Romania – a new regulation was introduced regarding the use of winter-tyres.
The initial regulation stated that it was mandatory to use winter-tyres
starting with November 1st each year.
From a purely meteorological point of view, the
November 1st date was not accurate. Non-Romanians should know that
the weather is quite tricky in the sense that in some years the first snow
comes as early as October, while, in other years the weather can be fine till January.
In addition, Romania is a rather large country and with a diverse landscape –
mountains, fields, hills and seaside. Naturally the weather is very different
across the country.
So, our legislators wanted to make a more
efficient and accurate regulation. Thus, the new regulation says that
winter-tyres are mandatory whenever there is snow or ice on the roads.
From a rational point of view, the new
regulation is very accurate and makes perfect sense. If there is snow / ice,
use winter-tyres regardless of the season, area etc.
However, a lot of people remember that they
have to change the summer-tyres with the winter ones shortly before November 1st. The police, however, applies the law and not
seldom people get fined for not having winter-tyres whenever it snows before
November 1st.
Although the existing regulation – use winter-tyres
whenever there is snow or ice – is correct, it has the downside of being
difficult to understand and, most importantly, it is difficult to conform to.
The old regulation with a clear deadline (November 1st) was much
more “user friendly”. People simply could plan for the behaviour (going to the
My proposition is to create a smart heuristic
(at least in my view) by associating the change from summer tyres to winter
ones with the change of time – from summer time to winter time.
In most of Europe, we change the time on the
last weekend of October. On that magical 25 hours Sunday we can sleep more. The
regulators (legislators) can use this event as a reference date for changing
the summer with the winter tyres.
In the public’s mind, this event is already
associated with change – we have to change the time on our clocks and watches –
and it is associated with the change from summer to winter.
Change the
time – change the tyres.