17 October 2013

First Edition of Designing Decisions – Training on Choice Architecture – Review

October 3 & 4 marked the first (open session) training by Pikant & Naumof - Designing Decisions – training on choice architecture

The session was hosted by  Design Thinkers Academy. I, Nicolae NAUMOF, gave this training to five very curios, hardworking and nice participants.

The first day was dedicated to the presentation of the main tools of choice architecture (established psychological effects on choice). During the first day everyone felt intrigued (according to feedback forms).

The second day of the workshop was dedicated entirely to participants solving case studies on choice architecture.

First, they analyzed a choice set

Then I was asking questions that didn’t have an obvious answer…

The next three case studies solved by participants were a bit more demanding since now they had to (re)Design Choice sets and apply tools from choice architecture …

And after some hard work they went on to present their propositions:

And here are some of the results… 

Throughout the second day of the workshop all participants felt happy (according to feedback forms).

Here's what Zuzana Vagnerova (from UN development program) said about the training:

The training was very inspirational, energizing  bringing lots of ideas, with both substantial and in-depth knowledge together with case studies, learning from experience and being fully practice-oriented. The composition of participants contributed to interesting and focused discussions and exchanges. I will hopefully be able to put some of it into practice.
The trainer was excellent instructor who maintained the desire to learn through his enthusiasm and very relevant knowledge. He responded to questions well and is very approachable and competent instructor. Thank you

An analysis on the indicators from the feedback forms concluded that overall the participants were happy with the training’s content, delivery and organization.

For me, personally, giving this training was a real pleasure. The atmosphere was wonderful and I had the feeling that everyone learned new things and had an enjoyable two days session.

Finally you can enjoy this movie. 

One of the case studies solved was "The Museum" which asked participants to restructure and redesign a choice set - namely the offer of a museum (tours). Here's what was proposed by the two teams ... 

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